Our Methods
The SSA practices traditional European martial arts and as such utilises the traditional concept of “The School of Arms”. At its heart this means the creation of a formal environment in which the discipline of the mind and body can be encouraged through the teaching of fencing.
The academy begins and ends each session by forming a circle, which represents both the fact that we are all equal but also that for the duration of the session we turn our back on the rest of the world and focus on each other so that we may all become better students.
We encourage our students to look at the study of fencing as a journey rather than a means to an end. This teaching has an emphasis on physical subtlety and mental stamina.
The SSA discourages thuggery by putting an emphasis on the development of technical skill, controlled engagement, balance, and defence. We achieve this result through the refinement of the mind through scholastic reasoning, and the body, through physical refinement. Egos are discouraged and must be kept out of the Salle.